Missing Classmates

We have neither e-mail nor snail-mail addresses for the following people.

cheekyIf you are one of these people, click on your name to find registration information.

cheekyIf you know where one of these people is, click on the name to see a way to send us contact information. Or, tell the missing classmate to visit our website, www.pacificgrove73.com.

sad If you are not one of our missing classmates, please do not register on the site by using one of these names to enter your own contact information. Doing so erases any information we do have about the person.

cheekyIf your name does not appear on the "Find Classmates" list, and you are a classmate or member of the PGHS Class of 1973 who wants to be listed on the site, click "Contact Us" in the left column and send us your contact information, and we will be happy to add you.

Donna Adams
Alma Alford
Chris Allen
Roberta Boronda
Lisa Boswell (Williams)
John Burke
Lynn Carter
Steve Coopersmith
Julie DeRose (Barnes)
Mark Eversoll
Stephen Fry
Robert Hansen
Robert Hohstadt
Norma Hyatt (Donovan)
Belinda Jones (Hohenroth)
Danielle Judge
Sal Leto
Rhonda Lucas (Morrow)
Carole Lynch
John Millar
John (Joseph) Nahas
Jane Pitney
David Robinson
Andi Sargent (Coleman)
Frances Schultz (Philbrick)
Elizabeth Seyoum (Kioane)
Joe Speek
Tom Tannehill
Cynthia Tuscany (Cummins)
Christine Vanderpool (Shanta)
Dan Vanderpool
John Vu
Helen Whiting
Doris Williams