Joseph DiMaggio

Profile Updated: August 29, 2014
Joseph DiMaggio
Residing In: Goodview, VA USA
Spouse/Partner: Beth
Occupation: Publicist, California State University Chico
Children: Jennah, born 2003
Yes! Attending Reunion

Enjoying being a dad, although it came a little later in life than I had expected. Living up in Northern California I visit Pacific Grove 2-3 times a year. It never fails that every time I visit I have this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia, a yearning for those good old "simple" days. I really am jealous of my classmates who have been able to stay in PG; it a magical place, especially to raise a family. I'm happy the town is pretty much the same as when I grew up -- it is true, PG is the last "home town."

School Story:

High school, as I look back on that experience, was a time of spreading our wings. Some of us spread our wings wide and full; others like myself spread them tentatively. My memories are mostly good, although it was a confusing time as well -- how could adolescents be anything but confusing? I cherish memories of the Friday night football games, the late night b-ball games we'd play at the RLS gym, going egging on Halloween, and the close friendships I had with Joey Farrow, Matt Arnett, and many others.

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Jan 29, 2015 at 1:06 PM

Posted on: Jan 28, 2015 at 9:00 AM

Happy birthday my friend! I'll never forget that perfect track season you had! Still blows me away!

Aug 29, 2014 at 11:04 AM
Joseph DiMaggio changed profile picture.
Mar 02, 2014 at 6:03 PM